How Did You Fare in the Storm?

Do You Need Help?

Here are a few questions and some resources.

Please respond by sending clicking on "respond to sender" and responding to questions 1, 2, 3 and 4.  If you print these questions, it will be easier to refer to them. Thank you and good luck with the cleanup. We are trying to get some grant money coming into the cultural community.

1) Briefly describe any physical damage to your facility, materials and equipment.

2) Provide a cost estimate for repairs.

3) Provide the number of days/performances/events lost due to the storm and not planned to be rescheduled. (For example: the days you were closed.)

4) Provide an estimate of revenue loss attributable to these lost days/performances that will not be recouped by rescheduling.

END OF SURVEY. See resources and links below.



The Division of Cultural Affairs extended the deadline for Cultural Support grants. Click the DCA link for more info. The Small Business Association (SBA) has loans for businesses and non-profit organizations. Call 1-800-659-2955 or click the SBA disaster link for more info.

DCA Cultural Support grant deadline extended

SBA disaster loans